Jack Adams
Capital Addiction was not able to be at the 2007 NHL Draft in Columbus this weekend, so we sent a reporter to ask the hard questions and get the scoop (Bethany took pity on us and is passing along gossip and pictures).
Bethany snapped a pic of the Jack Adams, which seems to have been cruelly parted from Alain Vigneault already. Uhh, I know its not the Stanley Cup but jeez, let ol' Alain hang out with it for a few days. He might not scale a mountain with it, but maybe a few polaroids?________________________(click for larger view)
Also, Bethany has informed us that she is slacking off in joining the other bloggers for a beer as she is busy collecting juicy gossip for us. Bethany, this is a tough one (because Capital Addiction loves juicy gossip) but go for the beer.
Or car bombs.
Good point.
Bethany: take one for us!
Haha saaaaaaaaaaaaaaad I ditched the bloggers and had drinks anyway haha
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