Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How do you say "ouch" in Russian?

My guess is that many members of the Russian Olympic team are red in the race right now, and it's not from the cold. A great post from Greg Wyshynski wraps up the Russian loss to Canada in the Olympics:

Russia was embarrassed. To the point where Russian NHL player participation
in the 2014 Games in Sochi is now guaranteed; there's no other way to cleanse
the stench from this defeat. This game was supposed to be a classic. Instead, it
was a coronation for the Canadians in this rivalry.

If Russia is serious about pitting the Superleague against the NHL as the best place to play hockey in the world and keeping their talent in the Motherland , making the Russian team exciting to watch would be a good step in that direction.


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How are you Shmee? Good to hear from you.

Hopefully, Russia won't feel they have to include so many guys from the KHL in 2014. Perhaps it will be somebody else picking the players by then.

Is it Bye, Bye, Bykov? Coach was very slow to make changes, when it was obvious to everybody else. Will the players be distracted by the whole "code of silence" / don't talk to the media thing next time? Was that part totally exagerated anyway? Who was really pulling the strings, hey?

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