Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Now we just need Mike Comrie!

So the Caps signed Jose Theodore. I can only say...that's hot.

Photo from thesuperficial.com


Dan, Jr. said...

When I first heard the Cap's signed Theodore I wasn't super thrilled. Then I checked his stats and saw that even with the bad times included, his numbers averaged just about the same as Huet. Now I'm glad they got him.

As far as seeing that picture...not so much.


1) Hopefully Jose has already been treated for the inevitable STD's from that encounter

Anonymous said...

Theodore YES! Comrie NEVER! Comries a wretch and pure trouble. He shouldn't even be playing pro hockey in the league. He can stay with the Islanders.

Unknown said...

as a Habs fan, this signing makes me a bit more of a caps fan now.

i'll never forget the amazing goaltending Jose did during the 2002 Habs - Bruins series. amazing. best run goaltending ive ever seen.

lets see if he can bring some of that to DC

unless, of course, he is distracted .......

Dan, Jr. said...

Shmee - Please add another post soon, so that this one will move down from view. That pic is grossing me out!

Just kidding...Well...Sort of...

Bethany said...

Oh my, I hope he works out for you.